Saturday, September 04, 2004

hong kong hong kong

so glad that the hong kong horse racing season is here again!

the jewel of horse racing over our region here!

many punters have reservations over hong kong racing which i dont know why.... talked to a few uncles and understand it is the unknown factor....

which brings me to the question why?

arent we in the horse punting to defy the unknown?

dont we all dun noe which horse is going to cross the post first?

to me, punting is a unknown, a way to defy the unknown, a stage to broadcast your known to the others' unknown, a place to fill your ego, and at the same time, be rewarded for correctly cleared the unknowns.

i like hong kong races, because of the professional setup.

take a look at their turf club, compare it with ours, kranji, selangor, ipoh and penang. how far are we away from their standard....

remember those times when penang or ipoh races were cancelled just after 2 or 3 races? remember who was the one who profited? turb club operators of course!

we paid admission fee for the full 8 - 10 races, and after only 3, the day program were cancelled and no refund!

dat aside, the glam factor.

be it at sha tin or happy valley, just look at the number of professionals around during race days. it is unlike in local, where going to the turf club is a sneaky event, and even holding a guide will attracts stares and scowls.

we need to change.

horse racing is just like any other form of leisure activities, be it soccer, badmintion or any other sports.

people do bet on soccer, olympics events, and majority of the office workers queue up during the precious lunch time to buy toto, but why is horse racing being portraited as such a big vice, something close to prostitution? why?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it portrayed as such a big vice? Maybe because it is? I mean, you never see people betting on 4D or Toto till they owe debts or become bankrupt. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for horse racing.... Simple, it's addictive, far too much so. Hey if u really love yr gal, you'll cut down & hopefully quit. She's not gonna get any happiness in the long run with a hardcore punter. And how do you intend to educate your kids? Bring them to the racing tracks with you? Ponder.... and tread carefully. Any idea wat her parents will think of you if they know you're such a hardcore gambler?

10:35 AM  

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